Contact Info
4 street 2, Upper Plateau, Mokattam City, Cairo, Egypt
Phone: 02-28452191
Fax: 02-28452194
Email: [email protected]
Professional trainers, consultants, academia, HRD practitioners as well as top and senior executives are invited to contribute in the conference. Speakers are expected to deliver quality papers and presentations responding to the conference topics and reflecting their own and organizations’ experience and opinion.
Participants are invited to submit abstracts for their papers. the abstract should be presented in typing in not more than 500 words, attached with the “Application Form” and short CV. All papers received will be reviewed by a scientific committee and the speakers will be notified of the acceptance and their location in the conference schedule.
Email sent to : [email protected]
4 street 2, Upper Plateau, Mokattam City, Cairo, Egypt
Phone: 02-28452191
Fax: 02-28452194
Email: [email protected]