Contact Info
4 street 2, Upper Plateau, Mokattam City, Cairo, Egypt
Phone: 02-28452191
Fax: 02-28452194
Email: [email protected]
This one-day workshop presents the ROI Methodology, the most used evaluation system in the world. Participants experience application of the ROI Methodology: developing program objectives, collecting various types of hard and soft data, isolating the effects of the program, converting data to monetary values, tabulating appropriate project costs, and calculating the ROI. Much of the discussion revolves around implementing ROI in an organization. Participants quickly see the advantage of the process as six types of data are collected and analyzed. This data represents both qualitative and quantitative data, developed from a variety of sources.
After completing this workshop, you should be able to:
4 street 2, Upper Plateau, Mokattam City, Cairo, Egypt
Phone: 02-28452191
Fax: 02-28452194
Email: [email protected]